Paradiplomacy of regions – Comparative perspective.

6. June 2021 - online podujatie

We would like to invite you to our event, which will take place on June 16 through the ZOOM platform.The topic of the meeting is Paradiplomacy of regions – Comparative perspective.

Webinar will be organized within the project “Improving European co-operation of the Slovak Higher Territorial Units with the aim to streamline their capacities for regional self-governance” supported by European Social Fund. The aim of the project was elaborate a strategy for the development of external relations and international cooperation of the Trnava Self-Governing Region (TTSK) and the Prešov Self-Governing Region (PSK) with European institutions and partners.  Within the webinar several findings of the project will be presented: comparative analysis of national legal framework of the Czech Republic, Poland and Slovakia, para-diplomatic activities of the selected regions from the EU Member States and results of a questionnaire for representatives of European regions who are active in para-diplomatic activities. All these findings might serve also as inspiration for managing external relations not only in TTSK and PSK, but also for other regions.

Program: Paradiplomacy of regions – Comparative perspective

Event link:

It is not necessary to register for the event, you can watch it online through our Facebook page: 

Viac o projekte: 

The event takes place within the project “Zlepšenie európskej spolupráce VÚC za účelom zefektívnenia územnej samosprávy (Improvment of the European regions cooperation in order to streamline territorial self-government)”, which is implemented within the operational programme ‘Effective Public Administration’ supported by the European Social Fund.