Opening conference of the project “Safe and Inclusive Border between Slovakia and Ukraine” (SIBSU)

30. March 2021 - online podujatie

We are launching new project – the SIBSU – Safe and Inclusive Border SK-UA!

Sharing just 97 km of border, the two countries are good neighbors and trustful friends. To continue good relations between Slovakia and Ukraine, the contact points for mutual learning and cooperation is needed. This is why the #SIBSU project is being implemented and will bring the engagement among authorities, local communities and experts on both sides of the border. It aim’ss to spark new partnerships and continued efforts in the field of cooperation – a good border cooperation and management which will be vital in elaborating on a viable future of the EU accession process for the Ukraine.

To follow more information about project activities, we would like to invite you to the project´s opening online conference which takes place on Tuesday, March 30, 2021, or you can follow our official webside.