Arms control – the ultimate challenge
24. októbra 2019 - Bratislava, Hotel Crowne Plaza
Distrust and hostility in the current security environment have also resulted in violations and significant weakening of the pillars of arms control and non-proliferation regime being present and recognized for several years. These regimes are challenged on multiple levels, e.g. by the collapse of US-Russia bilateral cooperation on arms control, the US withdrawal from the JCPOA, the increasing nuclear and ballistic challenges in North East Asia, including the nuclear crisis in the Korean peninsula, etc. We are also witnessing that the existing arms control framework is not able to reflect the emerging technological developments and prevent the spread of new types of weapons to non-state armed groups as well as states.
The main aim of the event is to present the most important challenges of the arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation regimes, examine the role of different security organizations in arms control architecture and to identify how can the current developments effect the future strategic stability.
AGENDA_Arms control – the ultimate challenge, 24.10
Photo gallery from the event can be found here.
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