Experience of the Czech Republic in energy efficiency

26. November 2015 - Kyiv, Artema str. 60, Oil Transportation Institute, conference-hall, 1st floor

The Slovak Foreign Policy Association and the Centre for Global Studies: Strategy XXI (Ukraine), in cooperation with Masaryk University in Brno, the Polish Institute of International Affairs and the Hungarian Regional Centre for Energy Policy Research, invite members of central government, state institutions and specialist education institutions as well as experts to attend a series of seminars on sharing experiences of implementing EU legislation and energy efficiency and renewables programs in V4 countries. The seminars form part of the “Building capacities for energy sector reform in Ukraine” project supported by SlovakAid and the International Visegrad Fund.

Address: Kyiv, Artema St 60, Oil Transportation Institute, conference hall, 1st floor.


  1. November 26, 2015 – Czech Republic experience
  2. December 3, 2015 – Slovak experience
  3. December 10, 2015 – Hungarian experience
  4. December 17, 2015 – Polish experience

Detailed agenda is available here (in UA).

On November 26, 2015, the first seminar as part of the “Building Capacities for Reform of the Energy Sector in Ukraine” project was held. The project is run by the Slovak Foreign Policy Association and the Centre for Global Studies: Strategy XXI (Ukraine) and is supported by SlovakAid and Visegrad Fund.

At the seminar, leaders of Ukrainian government institutions gained information on Czech experiences of energy efficiency. The presentation was delivered by Lukáš Lehotský from the Department of International Relations and European Studies at Masaryk University in Brno.


The seminar was opened by Mykhailo Gonchar, president of the Centre for Global Studies: Strategy XXI who spoke about the ideas behind the project and discussed the format and content of the seminar before introducing the speaker from the Czech Republic.


Lukáš Lehotský covered a number of issues in his report:
– Czech policy developments in energy efficiency;
– experiences of financial and non-financial support for energy efficiency – what lies  behind successful energy efficiency projects in the Czech Republic?
– Czech experiences of engaging businesses in energy efficiency projects;
– Czech technical and technological experiences in energy efficiency / presentations of successful projects;
– information and awareness raising campaigns – role of central and local authorities.

After each presentation block the floor was opened up for discussion. Ukrainian leaders of governmental institutions shared their own experiences, asked questions and commented on how the Czech experience could be used in national projects.



Intensive discussion has continued during coffee breaks, the audience expressed interest to practical projects, realized under participation of the expert, asked about problems and challenges, faced by Czech Republic during energy efficiency project implementation.

Discussion continued during the coffee breaks with the audience expressing an interest in the practical projects implemented in collaboration with experts and enquiring about the problems and challenges faced by the Czech Republic when implementing the energy efficiency projects.


Energy efficiency policy and the Czech Republic

Financial and non-financial instruments

Nationally funded financial instruments

Energy Performance Contracting – the way forward?

Information campaigns