Archív kategorií: Podujatia

Think Visegrad Fellowship – Call for proposals 2021

About: Think Visegrad is a think tank plat­form for struc­tured dia­logue on issues of strate­gic regional impor­tance. The plat­form aims to ana­lyze key issues for the Visegrad Group (Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia), and pro­vides rec­om­men­da­tions to the gov­ern­ments of Visegrad Group (V4) coun­tries, the annual pres­i­den­cies of the Group, and the International Visegrad Fund. In addi­tion, Think Visegrad pro­vides vis­it­ing fel­low­ships to non-Visegrad expert fel­lows. Think Visegrad was estab­lished in 2012 by eight V4 think tanks with coor­di­nat­ing abil­i­ties. This so-called core net­work, how­ever, remains open to coop­er­a­tion with other think-tanks from all V4 coun­tries. Think Visegrad is funded by the International Visegrad Fund.

Eight vis­it­ing fel­low­ships will be avail­able for Autumn or Winter of 2021. Each of the core net­work think tanks (see list below) will host one non-V4 expert fel­low. Each selected vis­it­ing fel­low will have the oppor­tu­nity to take part in the institute’s activ­i­ties for a period of up to eight weeks. During this period, each fel­low will be expected to develop a pol­icy paper and deliver one pub­lic pre­sen­ta­tion on a pre-agreed topic. A lump sum of €3,000 will be given to each selected vis­it­ing fel­low to cover all nec­es­sary costs and expen­di­tures related to his or her stay at the host­ing insti­tute (e.g. lodg­ing and local trans­port). Each fel­low will also be respon­si­ble for pay­ing all taxes and related fees, includ­ing health and social insur­ance, from this amount. Think VisegradV4 Think Tank Platform will cover the cost of travel to the host­ing insti­tute for the vis­it­ing fellow.

Topics: Fellowships are avail­able in all areas of research in polit­i­cal sci­ence, inter­na­tional rela­tions and eco­nom­ics. Chosen top­ics should com­ple­ment the research focus of the host­ing insti­tute, and there­fore the appli­cants are highly rec­om­mended to check the institute’s web­site before sub­mit­ting an application.

Duration: The dura­tion of fel­low­ships varies from 6 to 8 weeks (based on agree­ment with the host­ing institute).

Hosting insti­tutes:

Eligibility: Expert fel­lows from non-Visegrad coun­tries with at least five years’ experience in their field of research are eli­gi­ble. Preference will be given to appli­cants who have already made a sig­nif­i­cant con­tri­bu­tion in their field. Fellows who already conducted the Think Visegrad Fellowship in the past are not allowed to participate again and their applications will be automatically dismissed.

Deadline: Application dossiers con­sist­ing of the application form, struc­tured CV (includ­ing the list of pub­li­ca­tions) and a moti­va­tion let­ter (max­i­mum 300 words) are to be sub­mit­ted to by August 15, 2021.

Please note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic the travel restrictions may change. Under such terms, your fellowship may be rescheduled or cancelled. For more information please visit:

See also:

Zelená doprava v krajinách V4: dosiahnuté výsledky a ciele na rok 2030

Online workshop, 22. januára, 10:00 – 12:30

Už tento piatok organizujeme v rámci spoločných aktivít think-tankov krajín Vyšehradskej skupiny – REKK (Maďarsko), AMO (Česká republika), RC SFPA (Slovensko) a Jagelovský inštitút (Poľsko) online workshop o udržateľnej doprave.

Cieľom workshopu je porovnať skúsenosti krajín V4 v oblasti zelenej dopravy a rozvoja elektromobility. Na workshope zaznejú nasledovné témy:

  • Železničná doprava ako súčasť európskej zelenej dohody v regionálnom kontexte
  • Komparatívny prístup k plánom ekologickej dopravy v krajinách V4 na základe cieľov do roku 2030
  • Elektromobilita v krajinách V4 – hlavné výzvy

Hlavní rečníci:

  • Zbigniew Gryglas, štátny tajomník, Ministerstvo štátnych aktív, Poľsko
  • Szymon Byliński, riaditeľ odboru pre elektromobilitu a vodík, poľské Ministerstvo klímy a životného prostredia
  • Márk Alföldy-Boruss, vedúci oddelenia, maďarské Ministerstvo inovácií a technológií
  • Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, výkonná riaditeľka, Medzinárodný vyšehradský fond
  • Paweł Wróbel, predseda, Gate Brussels
  • Marcin Roszkowski, predseda, Jagelovský inštitút

Celý program nájdete TU a 👇

Workshop sa uskutoční v anglickom jazyku. Účasť je bezplatná, prosíme, registrujte sa vopred na adrese: