Tomáš Strážay, PhD. ( has been working as a Director of the Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (RC SFPA) since September 2019. Before he had occupied the position of the Deputy Director and Head of the Central and Southeastern Europe Research Program. He had also been  editing the International Issues and Slovak Foreign Policy Affairs quarterly.  Tomáš is a leading expert in the projects focusing on regional cooperation in Central Europe and EU enlargement and one of the founders of the Think Visegrad – V4 Think Tank Platform. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava in 1999 and received his PhD. from the  Institute of Political Studies at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw in 2010.

Samuel Goda

Výskumný pracovník

About expert
Výskumný pracovník a projektový manažér. Ako pedagóg pôsobí na Fakulte medzinárodných vzťahov EUBA. Vyštudoval Fakultu politických vied a medzinárodných vzťahov UMB (PhD.). Absolvoval študijné a výskumné pobyty v Nemecku, Rakúsku, Česku, Moldavsku a v USA. Venuje sa problematike (zamrznutých) konfliktov v Euroatlantickom a Eurázijskom priestore, OBSE, NATO, EU – CFSP, CSDP a EaP, Latinskej Amerike, klasickým a novým prístupom k bezpečnosti a rozvojovej pomoci. Je reprezentantom SFPA a SR v "OSCE Network of Think Tanks and Academic Institutions".
Tomáš Madleňák works as a junior research fellow within the European Union research program of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association (SFPA) since 2016. His main areas of expertise and research are European Union, and its enlargement policy with special focus of the Western Balkans. Previously, he worked in the media company focused on EU debates He studied political science at the Comenius University in Bratislava.

Juraj Hajko

Výskumný pracovník

About expert
Je výskumný pracovník SFPA a šéfredaktor portálu Zahraničná politika. Na Masarykovej univerzite v Brne študoval medzinárodné vzťahy a bezpečnostné a strategické štúdiá. Zameriava sa na dianie v Európskej únii, Francúzsku a Severnom Macedónsku.