The main objective of the project “V4 and the International Crisis Management” is to revive the debate on the engagement of V4 countries in activities of international crisis management (ICM) under terms of changed security environment. We have analyzed the engagement of the V4 countries in the ICM through NATO, the EU and the OSCE, while using case studies of Kosovo, Afghanistan and Ukraine, which we have identified as the most suitable during the workshop held on June 8, 2015 in Bratislava.

The main outcome of the cooperation with Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (HU), Polish Institute for International Affairs (PL), Prague Security Studies Institute (CZ) and leading institution being the SFPA is the publication entitled “In Search for Greater V4 Engagement in International Crisis Management”. Presentation of the book was attended by Jaroslaw Pietruszevicz (Conflict Prevention Centre of the OSCE) a Marian Majer (CEPI). Co-authors of the publication are Karel Klinovský, Wojcziech Lorenz, Peter Wágner and Samuel Goda.

This project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund a Friedrich Ebert Stiftung.


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