National Convention on the EU in Georgia
The project focuses on the operation and sustainability of the platform for an institutionalized public debate on European integration issues which is based on the partnership of governmental, non-governmental, business and interest institutions, as well as on strengthening Georgia’s capacity for EU accession negotiations – National Convention on the EU in Georgia.
The goal of the project is to continue to involve the professional public in the process of creation of national positions in EU integration agenda; transfer of Slovak know-how from political, economic and social transformation; as well as maintaining an interactive information resource on European integration.
The project envisages the work of three working groups on following topics WG I: External Communication, WG II: Energy Security, WG III: Youth, which will carry out 15 meetings and one plenary session. By involving a wide range of experts, the project will contribute to further building the expertise of governmental and non-governmental organizations, intensifying their mutual dialogue, and deepening bilateral cooperation between Georgia and Slovakia. The study trip of 8 WG experts from Georgia to Slovakia will be part of the project
In addition to the Working Group meetings, where experts from Slovakia will participate, the key outputs of the project will be sectoral recommendations for the government and their publication in e-form as well as the final strategic framework documents for the government published in the up-to-date website and a facebook account, as well as a media presentation of the project and the euro-integration process. Secondary output of the project will be the team of people being able to implement the project objectives in the long term.
This project is funded by SlovakAid.
More information about the project and project activities can be found here.
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Slovenská spoločnosť pre záhraničnú politiku