From Warsaw to Tirana: Overcoming the past together
Autori publikácie: Tomáš Strážay, Tatiana Chovancová
Dátum publikácie: 18. novembra 2019
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy in association with Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Institute for Foreign Affairs and Trade, European Movement in Serbia, WiseEuropa Institute and Academy of European Integration and Negotiation published final Policy Paper about good practices an lessons learned from the Visegrad Four and Western Balkans. The project is supported by the International Visegrad Fund.
Tomáš Strážay, Nikolett Garai:
POLICY PAPER: Slovak-Hungarian reconciliation and lessons for the Western Balkans
Tatiana Chovancová, Jana Juzová:
POLICY PAPER: The Velvet Divorce: Dissolution of Czechoslovakia as an inspiration for the Western Balkans
Full policy paper:
Slovenská spoločnosť pre záhraničnú politiku