The main objective of the project “V4 and the International Crisis Management” is to revive the debate on the engagement of V4 countries in activities of international crisis management (ICM) under terms of changed security environment. We have analyzed the engagement of the V4 countries in the ICM through NATO, the EU and the OSCE, […]
We aim to – train Ukrainian governmental officials responsible for implementing the section of the Association Agreement that deals with harmonizing national legislation with the EU energy acquis, particularly energy efficiency and the use of renewables. The training will include lessons learnt from transposing EU legislation into the national legislations of Visegrad countries – provide […]
Duration: September, 2015 to February, 2017 Funding: International Visegrad Fund Moldova and Ukraine, countries of the European Union’s Eastern Partnership program, are undergoing complex processes of democratic transformation, but with weak embeddedness of democratic values and principles drawbacks can occur. It is embeddedness that helps to overcome the challenges of transformation and pushes countries beyond […]
The change of local and regional security environment necessarily requires an adequate response not only from the nation states, but also from international organizations active in the field of international crisis management. The ICM project deals with the civilian and military aspects of crisis management, as well as new and classical approaches to the solution […]
Target groups: Reform oriented part of civil society and political leaders from EaP, key decision makers on EU policies vis-à-vis the EaP from various EU institutions and the V4 countries, NGOs, think tanks and implementors of EU democracy support schemes in the EaP, V4 NGOs and think tanks current and potential new implementors of EU […]
The project focuses on the operation and sustainability of the platform for an institutionalized public debate on European integration issues which is based on the partnership of governmental, non-governmental, business and interest institutions, as well as on strengthening Albania’s capacity for EU accession negotiations – National Convention on the EU in Albania. The goal of […]
The project focuses on the operation and sustainability of the platform for an institutionalized public debate on European integration issues which is based on the partnership of governmental, non-governmental, business and interest institutions, as well as on strengthening Georgia’s capacity for EU accession negotiations – National Convention on the EU in Georgia. The goal of […]
About project: Sharing just 97 km of border, the two countries are good neighbors and trustful friends. To continue good relations between Slovakia and Ukraine, the contact points for mutual learning and cooperation is needed. This is why the SIBSU project is being implemented and will bring the engagement among authorities, local communities and experts […]
What is our goal Self-governing regions do not fully benefit from all opportunities for their regional, cross-border, and/or European cooperation. The issue is discussed on the working level, yet it is not vastly covered in academic and/or institutional research in general, let alone in the Visegrad region. Therefore, the goal of our project is to […]
Think Visegrad—V4 Think Tank Platform is a network for structured dialog on issues of strategic regional importance. The network analyzes key issues for the Visegrad Group (V4), and provides recommendations to the governments of V4 countries, the annual presidencies of the group, and the International Visegrad Fund. Think Visegrad covers thematic priorities of V4 including […]
The project is aimed at systematic monitoring of current migration dynamics in Ukraine (both internal and international migration, particularly to V4 and the EU) resulted from Crimea annexation and armed conflict in Eastern Ukraine. It will investigate both qualitative and quantitative (where possible) characteristics of forced migration and accompanying economic-driven migration. It will also present […]
With the aim of strengthening cooperation among the think tanks of the Visegrad countries in the field of energy, as well as promoting dialogue between the academic sector and decision-makers in this area, REKK (HU) as coordinator, along with SFPA (SK), the Instytut Jagielloński (PL) and AMO (CZ) as partners, have initiated the launching of […]
Výskumný a vzdelávací projekt zameraný na zlepšenie manažmentu slovensko-ukrajinskej schengenskej hranice. Ciele projektu sú: 1) zlepšenie existujúcich nedostatkov v kvalite ľudských zdrojov colných a pohraničných úradov, najmä vo vzdelávaní a komunikácii slovenskej a ukrajinskej hraničnej stráže a colných úradníkov cez tréningy, výskumné pobyty a vypracovania študijných materiálov pre nich; 2) zlepšenie politík a iniciatíva na […]
Jedná sa o výskumný a vzdelávací projekt, ktorý tiež zahŕňa veľké množstvo klastrovacích a sieťovacích aktivít. Hlavnou myšlienkou je prenos nórskeho know-how z EÚ-NO vzťahov a NO-RU vzťahov v rámci cezhraničnej spolupráce pre zlepšenie EÚ/SK-UA vzťahov a pre približovanie Ukrajiny k EÚ. Nasledujúcich 5 prioritných sektorových oblastí projektu charakterizuje projekt : 1 ) Ekonomika & […]
Hlavným cieľom projektu je zlepšiť manažment spoločnej SK-UA Schengenskej hranice, konkrétne: 1) zrýchliť vybavovací proces pri prekračovaní slovensko-ukrajinskej hranice; 2) skvalitniť odbornú prípravu policajtov, vrátane zvýšenia ich jazykových znalostí; 3) realizovať výskum a prieskum názorov cestujúcich i policajtov s cieľom zlepšiť výkon služby policajtov a skrátiť čakacie doby na hraničných priechodoch; 4) zaviesť moderné technológie […]
Slovenská spoločnosť pre záhraničnú politiku